The Perfect Laptop The perfect computer should be - powerful, - versatile, - resilient, - secure. Powerful - Can stay powered on for 48 hrs w/o charging. * Can watch five feature-length movies w/o charging. * Can browse the web or read eBooks for 16 hours without charging. - Self-charging. * Built-in solar panels to recharge outdoors. - "Sufficient" RAM size, CPU speed and HDD/SSD/memristor/whatevs storage. * Ever-changing. * Today, in 2023: + 64 GiB RAM + 24 perf cores; >= 3.0GHz + 6 efficiency cores; >= 0.8GHz * 4TiB persistent storage Versatile - Ergonomic to use when sitting at a desk. - Compact enough to use in an airplane. (Even in economy class.) - Quick enough at waking from sleep that you can pull it out of your backpack on the go to check on notifications. - Has fast WiFi and fast ethernet. - The screen has that kind of mount that allows you to flip it around and use it kind of like as though it was an iPad. - The screen is high resolution. - It has a separate touchscreen on the back which you can use instead, which is eInk. (Slower to refresh, but comfortable for your eyes.) - More generally: It works well in low light as well as middle of day sunlight. It is not tiring to look at. Resilient and Secure - As soon as you turn on the computer, it boots straight into an unauthenticated desktop environment that allows you to connect to WiFi and browse the web. - The computer automatically establishes a Wireguard connection to your home server when it has an Internet connection. - GPS Tracking and Altimeter Height. - It has a built-in SIM-card slot and connects over mobile Internet to your Wireguard server immediately when powered on and always stays connected for SSH access. - Has a bluetooth beacon and a companion app so that when the computer is stolen or lost, you use your mobile phone or any other device of yours to search for the exact location of the computer. - The ideal computer is fast and capable, but it *looks* inexpensive and unappealing to steal. - You can remotely wipe the encrypted data from teh computer. - You can remotely decrypt the encrypted data on the computer.